Auburn Community Service Day

Saturday June 3, 2023, 7:30am-1pm

The 9th annual Auburn Community Service Day will focus on the Auburn School Park Preserve and the grounds of Auburn City Hall, plus trash pick-up on nearby roads, as well as fire fuel reduction projects.

Sign up:

The work will wrap up around noon with a FREE lunch in the park! The event is led by volunteers from the Auburn Arts Commission.

If you are interested, please sign up no later than May 31 so we know how many volunteers to expect and can plan our food and supplies appropriately.

Projects for this event include

Weeding and enhancement of the City Hall Pollinator Garden

Lead by Katy Fries, this is the garden along side the City Hall parking lot and the Police Station. Work is open to all ages and will include pulling weeds, general cleanup, and application of new ground cover chips to beautify the space.

Clearing non-native plants from Rich Ravine

Lead by April Maynard, this project is to clean up the creek bed running through the middle of the School Park Preserve. The main task is to remove non-native and invasive plants such as privet, ivy and blackberries, as well as cleaning up trash from the ravine and the park in general.

Litter removal and cleanup along nearby roads

Teams of volunteers will branch out from the School Park Preserve along College Way, Auburn-Folsom Road, and Lincoln Way, removing litter and providing general cleanup to enhance the beauty of our town.

Fire Safety Cleanup with Auburn Fire Department

The Auburn Fire Department will lead a team of intrepid volunteers in removing brush and other fire hazards from to help reduce the likelihood of wildfires in Auburn.